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GTV Video :: SLINGSHOT + ASP Surf Fest ansehen :: SLINGSHOT + ASP Surf Fest


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This February marked a significant step forward for kitesurfing, for the first time in the history of kiteboarding a partnership was forged between a kiteboarding brand and the Association of Surfing Professionals (ASP) to help showcase that potential on a large scale.

Thanks to Slingshot Australia, Kitesurfing was present as a demonstration sport at the SURF FEST event, an ASP 6 star World Qualifying Series (WQS) held in Newcastle Australia. This was significant step for Kite surfing because it gave the “Surf Industry”, pro surfers and the public an opportunity to see the potential of a kite to surf. A group of Slingshot Australia’s team riders along with Slingshot Elite team rider Patrick Rebstock, did a 20 min demonstration that took place between the open men’s second semi-final and final, a perfect 20 minute slot in front of thousands of surfing spectators at Merewether beach in New South Wales.