Welcome Away / Patrick Wieland
Sam Light and Alex Fox find themselves back in Oregon for another wake-style onslaught like nothing you have ever see. Welcome Away is a true statement to the new kiteboarding culture.
Here is what they had to say about this video: "Repetition and competition from the same mold only results in carbon copies of pre-existing mantras. Flee distantly from the diluted future to an individual saturated self realization. Rover the outward scopes of the imagination and escape to an oasis of self fulfillment inches away from the nirvana of infinite fun."
The future is bright and blinding, come join us on this odd, yet inspiring journey through the gorge and experience a different approach to what kiteboarding can be. "Welcome Away" Filmed and edit by Patrick Wieland.
This is the life.../Charlie Smith Nominiert
First Day of Spring / Mischa Göttinger Nominiert