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GTV Video :: Nazare Moments - Part 3 - HUGE WAVES AGAIN !!!!! ansehen :: Nazare Moments - Part 3 - HUGE WAVES AGAIN !!!!!

Nazare Moments - Part 3 - HUGE WAVES AGAIN !!!!!

Right after the Nazare Challenge finished, another giant swell approached bringing us some of the biggest waves of the season. The usual suspects where present, Tom Butler from the UK made his return to the lineup and did a good job driving me into some fun waves. Freshly crowned winner of the challenge, Lucas Chumbo represented with his mentor and partner Carlos Burle, who at 50 years old is showing us all how it is done. Nuno Santos realized his dream and played his violin on one of the biggest waves surfed, huge respect to him!!! Maya Gabeira charged really hard and put an exclamation mark on her very successful season this year. Ross Clarke Jones was the legend that he always is and surfed a few of the biggest ones of the day, Joao de Macedo paddled into the craziest wave and everyone else had fun and got big waves as well.

Production by Alexander Triebel / Young Shoot Official
in collaboration with Arctic