Wave Pools for Dummies w Ben Gravy
The future is here! We are living in a dream that every surfer has thought about for decades. Wave pools are real!? I know it seems common now for people to drop into an artificial set & blast an air that we've never seen before, but less than 10 years ago we couldn't even comprehend what we're now witnessing on a daily basis. I appreciate this! So I wanted to dive in a little bit & talk history, the potential future & get a couple experts to discuss what's really going on? Hope you guys enjoy! Thanks for the stoke!! - Ben
Clothes & Accessories: https://www.wavebandit.com/collection...
Wetsuits: https://hyperflexusa.com/categories/b...
Soft Top Surfboards: https://www.wavebandit.com/collection...
Fiberglass Surfboards: https://www.superbranded.com/collecti...
Skateboards: https://www.sector9.com/blogs/surf/be...
2020 Subaru Outback: https://www.autoteamdelaware.com/surf...
Music https://soundcloud.com/bengravy
Music in this VLOG:
Next Sunday (Instrumental Version)
Roots and Recognition
Sunburn Club
Tiki Tiki
High & Dry (Instrumental Version)
Excuse the Dog
Stationary Sign
Baby Don't Care
Mike Stringer
Another Fried Chicken
Stationary Sign
Sixteen Wheelers
Dragon King
Jo Wandrini
Hit and Run
Mike Stringer
Mysteria Lane
Henrik Andersson
Finding a Dream
Beat Culture
V.V. Campos
Optimist at Heart
Jerry Lacey
Curve Ball (Instrumental Version)
Xavy Rusan
Pipeline Winter 2013 Nominiert